These designs have been split so people with 5x7 inch and 6x10 inch machines can also embroider these
designs. The flower centres will stitch in one hooping and the 4 corners will need 4 hoopings for both
5.07x4.78 inches (5x7 hoop)
5.10x5.53 inches (5x7 hoop)
4.81x5.67 inches (5x7 hoop)
5.61x5.29 inches (6x10 hoop)
5.10x5.53 inches(6x10 hoop)
4.81x5.67 inches(6x10 hoop)
2.47x2.48 inches both sizes
3.01x2.13 inches both sizes
An extra corner design in a horizontal position was added to make hooping easier for some people.
Buy Online 5x7 inch size
Buy Online 6x10 inch size
Jo Lynch of Australia had made this lovely cushion with one of these designs. Please e-mail