Roses Blocks $30 US 12 designs available in three sizes.
This set of designs may not look very interesting at first sight, but the designs stitch out beautiful
and there is only one thread jump from the centre of the design to where the frames around the designs
start to stitch.
The artwork was for Redwork designs, but I saw other posibilities and I digitized
this set manually. Each design block is exactly the same size for the 5x7, 6x6 or 8x8 inch designs and
therefore the blocks will line up perfectly when they are used in a border pattern.
5x7 inch 5.10"x5.10" (129.5x129.5 mm) 6x6 inch 6.28"x6.28" (159.5x159.5 mm) 8x8 inch 7.85"x7.85"
(199.5x199.5 mm )
The beautiful placemat and table runner were made by Monica Powell. She stitched these designs on her
Pfaff Creative Vision.
Joan Wium has made these beautiful satin pillows and fleese blanket to go with the decor in her bedroom.
This stunning quilt is called Imperial Elegance and is made by Linda Madrid of Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Bobbi Joyner in Spanaway, WA, USA tried two different types of varigated thread on the roses blocks,
one Marathon in pinks #5505 and Superior Rainbows #501.
This lovely and interesting quilt was made by Jo Lynch of Australia. This quilt also shows how the
roses blocks will look in different thread colors.
Original Clipart bought from