5x7 Appliqué Pansy Mug Rugs  $30 US 
7 pansy mug rugs and 12 leaves, all finished in the hoop! Instructions are included with this set.

The leaves were added to give you the option to use these pansies in more creative ways than just mug rugs.


5x7 Appliqué Pansy Mug Rugs

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My Pansies

Here I put the pansy mug rugs and some leaves on the lid of a black box. A gift idea is to put some of the mug rugs in a smaller box and then put one of the pansy mug rugs and one or two leaves on the lid for some decoration. You can use double sided tape, as this decoration is just temporary.

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Contact Elsa Goussard at elsagoussard@telkomsa.net