This set contains 31 designs. Almost all the designs are manually punched and also have shading on the
pansies and the leaves. These designs stitch 30 minutes and more, and also have a lot of color changes.
The petals stitch in layers, to give a three dimensional look, as I don't like any outlines on my flower

The frame around each design represents the 4 X 4 inch stitching area and the designs stitch out exactly
the size you see them in each frame. All these designs were digitized with the Deco Wizard, Version 1.

Order Online Pansies 2 only

Rosemary Bevis from Hampshire, England, UK made these lovely trincket boxes with my pansy designs.
Please e-mail Rosemary.
Jo Symons from Australia made this beautiful table runner, using my pansy designs. Please note, how
she adjusted the pansy colors, to go with the pansy fabric. E-mail her.

Malgorzata ( Gosia) Puzniak made these stunning teapot holders. Please note how she combined different
pansy designs, into one larger design. She did a fantastic job!!!Please e-mail Gosia
Another beutiful pillow made by Jan Reed. E-mail her.

Jeanne Spengler, in Canon City, Colorado, USA, completely changed the pansy colors, to go with the
pansy fabric she used. I saw this jacket at the MEEC in Las Vegas, 2000, and it was absolutely stunning.
Please e-mail Jeanne.

Jeanne Spengler, in Canon City, Colorado, USA, also made this stunning outfit. She attended the
MEEC 2001 again, and I met her for the second time this year. For the front panel, she used a pansy design
from my 5x7 inch Collection. I really like the way, she combined different pansy designs, and in different
colors, to create one large design. I don't know where she got the lace designs from. Please e-mail

Linda Chase from Clinten, Minnesota, USA, made this absolutely beautiful quilt. Linda used the jumbo
stipple freebie, combined it in her software, and stitched the whole stipple block on an industrail
machine. She did such a wonderful job, I couldn't even see where the stipple design was joined!!!!! What
she did, was to embroider about 40 stipple squares, of about 11 inches in size. She first sewed out the
stipple squares and then added the flowers designs later, as time permitted. She also combined my pansy
designs, and embroidered them in different colors, to match her fabric. She can't remember where the
vine design came from, that she worked in, behind the flower designs and used around the total outside
of the quilt. Please e-mail Linda.
