Lace Crosses   $20 US
Available in 4 sizes.

These designs are NOT free standing lace designs. Ideal for people who just love crosses and for Bible Covers, wall hangings, purses and even on t/shirts.

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Image of erglc5x703.jpg
5x7 = 5.07x6.70 inches
6x10 = 6.23x8.24 inches
7x12 = 7.02x9.30 inches
8x12 = 10.33x7.81 inches
5x7 = 5.09x6.45 inches
6x10 = 6.28x7.93 inches
7x12 = 7.06x8.95 inches
8x12 = 9.94x7.85 inches
5x7 = 5.05x6.37 inches
6x10 = 6.27x7.90 inches
7x12 = 7.06x8.93 inches
8x12 = 9.91x7.85 inches
Image of erglc5x704.jpg
Image of erglc5x705.jpg
Image of erglc5x706.jpg
5x7 = 4.85x6.63 inches
6x10 = 6.27x8.55 inches
7x12 = 7.06x9.66 inches
8x12 = 10.72x7.85 inches
5x7 = 5.06x6.79 inches
6x10 = 6.28x8.42 inches
7x12 = 7.06x9.51 inches
8x12 = 10.56x7.85 inches
5x7 = 4.87x7.02 inches
6x10 = 6.28x9.05 inches
7x12 = 7.06x10.23 inches
8x12 = 11.35x7.85 inches
Image of erglc5x707.jpg
Image of erglc5x708.jpg
Image of erglc5x709.jpg
5x7 = 5.00x6.72 inches
6x10 = 6.27x8.41 inches
7x12 = 7.06x9.50 inches
8x12 = 10.54x7.85 inches
5x7 = 5.09x6.13 inches
6x10 = 6.27x7.54 inches
7x12 = 7.06x8.52 inches
8x12 = 9.46x7.85 inches
5x7 = 5.07x6.65 inches
6x10 = 6.27x8.25 inches
7x12 = 7.06x9.32 inches
8x12 = 10.31x7.85 inches

Image of erglc5x710.jpg
5x7 = 5.09x6.73 inches
6x10 = 6.28x8.29 inches
7x12 = 7.06x9.35 inches
8x12 = 10.38x7.85 inches

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5x7 inch Lace Crosses

6x10 inch Lace Crosses

7x12 inch Lace Crosses

8x12 inch Lace Crosses


Image of crossesbiblecovers.jpg

I only had time to make 2 Bible Covers. The fabric looks like suede.

Clipart used from

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Last Updated 2015/05/23
Contact Elsa Goussard at :