Heirloom Collection 1 $35 US
Two sets of Monograms further down this page!!
These Heirloom designs are very delicate and looks very feminine. It also makes me think of fine porcelain
tea sets. When I started to digitize this collection, I mainly had household linens in mind, but these
designs are very versatile. They can be used on clothing and for quilt blocks too.
These designs are digitized with the Brother PR-600 and Baby Lock EMP6 in mind, since I got my PR-600
just after I started to digitize these designs. Therefore these designs have three colors only and some
have two colors only. They will also stitch very fast on all other embroidery machines.
The frame around each design represents the 4 x 4 inch stitching area and the designs stitch out exactly
the size you see them in each frame.
In tone on tone they look lovely too. If you want to embroider these designs in tone on tone, just carry
on with the same color thread and clip the thread jumps before you start with the next "color".
Buy Online Heirloom Collection 1 only
Heirloom Monograms 1 $20 US
The frame around each design represents the 4 x 4 inch stitching area and the designs stitch out exactly
the size you see them in each frame.
Special Heirloom Collection 1 & Monograms 1 $50 US
Heirloom Monograms 3 $20 US
The frame around each design represents the 4 x 4 inch stitching area and the designs stitch out exactly
the size you see them in each frame.
Special Heirloom Collection 1 & Monograms 3 $50 US
Monika Tocknell recently made this lovely set for a friend's daughter. Please e-mail Monica.
Sue Halter in Belton, Texas, USA made this lovely quilt when she tested the Heirloom Colletction 1
designs. Please e-mail Sue.