These designs are created for the Brother 8500( Super Galaxie 2100) and other similar BabyLock machines.
By combining two 5 x 7 inch hoop size designs, I also created designs, larger than the home embroidery
machines can stitch. With the new combination machines, the designs are getting taller, but they remain
narrow. For people, who have the version 2. 5 and version 3 of the Brother software, it is really easy
to perfectly line these up, by printing templates of these designs. Full instructions will be given with
these designs. I call these designs, Giant Designs.
Also available as one large design, in PES Version 4, for the Ultima, Galaxie 3000, Ellageo and Artista
machines. Also in DST format, for industrial machines. I also ask that people with the Viking
Designer#1, Singer XL 1000, and other brand new machines on the market, don't order these designs. I
don't have the software for these machines, and these designs were also not tested on these machines.
With these designs, you will get 3 different sizes of one design. A giant design, which consists of
two 5 x 7 inch designs, and which will need two hoopings. You will also get a 5 x 7 inch design, as well
as a 4 x 4 inch design.
Giant Cushion Design $10 3 designs in different sizes
This design is 8.55 inches high (19.5 cm) and 7 inches ( 18 cm ) wide.
Giant Bouquet Design $10 3 designs in different sizes
This design is 9.25 inches (23 cm) high and 6.75 inches ( 17 cm) wide.
Margaret Lashbrook in Kentucky made these beautiful pillows for Christmas gifts. Please e-mail her.