5x7 inch Frame Collection $35 US
This collection is only available in a 5x7 inch size.
When I digitized these designs, I had photo frames in mind. These designs are also ideal for bible covers.
You can also put names and dates in the openings, if you want to. Each design comes in two versions.
You can embroider the background and the frame in cream or beige, or you can repeat any color of the
design for the satin stitch frame. The designs with the colored satin stitch frames have an extra color
break. These designs also have different motif stitch backgrounds.
I like all the designs that I have digitized so far, but these frame designs are my absolute favorite!!
The images definitely don't give justice to these designs. I used soft pastels and the frames have a
real old world charm. For those who don't know, the motif stitch background gives a lace effect. If you
want to see how a motif background looks like, go and have a look at the three newest Christmas collections.
There I have a close up few of a motif stitch background.
The frame around each design represents the 5 x 7 inch stitching area and the designs stitch out exactly
the size you see them in each frame. These designs cover the whole 5x7 inch sewing area.
The center design on the left is a separate file and it is included with this collection. If you
want to use these designs for bible covers, you can embroider the center design on top of any one of
these designs.
I made these two picture frames. In one I put an old black and white picture and in one a color photo
of a friend's daughter. If you use color pictures, just make sure that the thread colors won't clash
with the colors in the pictures<ggg>
The design on the left is a Bible cover in the making. The image on the right is just a realistic preview
of how you can use the fonts in your own software, to add your own words in the blank space.