These designs may not be to everyone's liking, but I fell in love with them when I first saw the clipart.
They will make a wonderful quilt for a teenage daughter, can be embroidered on clothing and you can also
add beads, pearls, buttons, earrings and hot fix crystals or metals if you like.
Please click on thumbnails to see large stitchouts.
6x6 = 6¼"x6¼" (160x160mm)
6x10 = 6¼"x10¼" (160x260mm)
7x12 = 7x11¾" (180x300mm)
8x8 = 7¾"x7¾" (200x200mm)
8x12 = 7¾"x11¾" (200x300mm)
Monica Powell made these lovely totes when she tested these designs.
Joan Wium embroidered these designs on T/shirts and added a few hot-fix crystals to the hair.
I wanted to make a wall hanging with these designs, but didn't have time to do it. Then I decided to
play with the hot fix metals and crystals, so I can have more pictures to give my customers ideas. I
didn't have blank T/shirts to embroider on, but later on I am going to stitch these blocks on the fronts
of blank T/shirts.
I also have some blocks embroiderdd on beige fabric, with darker beige threads.
To these blocks I am going to add lace, satin ribbon and pearl beads or even hot fix pearls. I have a
very feminine quilt in mind for a teenage girl or a woman's bedroom.