Heirloom Bible Cover Designs

4x4 inch and 5x7 inch sizes available.

4x4 inch Heirloom Bible Covers $20 US

For people who only have machines with a 4x4 inch stitching area, I have this Bible Cover collection
available as two separate files for each design. With two hoopings you will be able to create a design
which is almost 5 x 7 inches in size. People with multi postion hoops for their machines, will
be able to embroider these designs in one single hooping! Embroider the cross with the hoop in the top
position and the bottom part of the design in the lowest position.

These samples of the 4x4 inch Bible Cover designs were embroidered by Linda Madrid, who tests for me
on a Pfaff 7570.

The frame around each design represents the 4 x 4 inch stitching area and the designs stitch out exactly
the size you see them in each frame.

5x7 inch Heirloom Bible Covers $30 US The designs cover the whole 5x7 inch stitching area.



Marathon Rayon Numbers 1182 1340 1146
Marathon Rayon Numbers 1206 1033 1182
Marathon Rayon Numbers 1127 1301 1095



Marathon Rayon Numbers 1181 1301 1006 1193 1060
Marathon Rayon Numbers 1181 1301 1192
Marathon Rayon Numbers 1181 1301 1195 1074 1011


Marathon Rayon Numbers 1181 1301 1192 1023 1011
Marathon Rayon Numbers 1181 1301 1195 1074 1011

Instructions for the 4x4 inch Bible Cover designs.

Draw a straight vertical line with a water soluble pen on the background fabric. Decide which part you
want to embroider first. Use the template that comes with your hoop and hoop the fabric, so the center
point will be on the vertical line.
Embroider one part first and then take the fabric out of the
hoop. For the second part of the design, hoop the fabric again, so the center point will be on the vertical
line again. On your machine, move the second design up or down, depending how far you want to embroider
them apart.

Projects done with these designs

This beatiful quilt was made by one of my testers, Sue Halter, from Belton, Texas, USA. She made this
quilt when she tested the Bible Cover designs for me last year. Please e-mail Sue.

All the miniature wall hangings were made by Roxanna Herder,of Spring Lake, Michigan, USA, when she
tested these designs for me on a Viking Designer 1. Please e-mail Roxanna.
