Fighting elephant bulls, Savute, Botswana
Chobe River, Kasane, Botswana
Chobe River, Kasane, Botswana
Chobe River, Kasane, Botswana
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
One of the things I enjoy most of wildlife photography, is to watch baby elephants play and interact
with one another. The very young also look as if they don't know yet what to do with their little trunks.
Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Chobe River, Kasane, Botswana
Desert elephants of Namibia
Below are four photos of the socalled desert elephants. They look just like the normal African elephant
and the only reason why they are called desert elephants, is because they have adapted very well to very
dry desert conditions. I have been on two trips to Damaraland, without seeing these elephants at all.
Fortunately we found a few on a 4x4 trip to the Kaokoland, in northern Namibia.
It looks as if these two elephants were fighting, but it wasn't a serious fight at all. We couldn't spend
much time with them and I am still not sure if it was an older bul and a young bull or if it was a bul
and a cow and if they were just playing.
Visitors since 17 June 2008