5x7 Ethnic Collection $25 US
These designs are totally different from my flower designs, but I felt like creating something totally
different and something that will go with the interior of my own home. Some of the appliqué designs will
have a frayed look after a few washes and this will give a very interesting effect. Clear step-by-step
instructions are included with the color chart.
These designs are ideal for household linens like
pillows, tablecloths and placemats.
The letters in the wall hanging are available in two sizes and they are included with this set of designs.
For a better look at them, have a look at the page for the 4x4 Ethnic Collection.
Projects with these designs
Joan Wium has made all these stunning projects above with the ethnic designs when she tested them for
me. In the wall hanging Joan also used some of the 4x4 inch designs. Please e-mail Joan.